Vegetable garden in early June, everything I plant are starting to grow. Early June is the month with cold and rainy spring here in zone 3, which is good for the lawn so I don't have to water it often, and of course I can keep rain water on the home made rain barrel, cheap and effective, that is garbage can. It is not so attactive looking but it work. I cover tomato planter and corn with blanket frost ,potato in the planter by compost bin, beet with garlic and carrot covered by tulle netting, I have it a lot in the basement from my wedding decoration. The idea was to keep the pest away, and it seem work too. I just cut the tulle as the size of the planter and nail the wooden stake in every corner of the planter , but don't push the nail all the way through, tight the tulle by roll it and hold it on the nail.
Lettuce grand rapid, raddish and spring onion. I planted zucchini in every corner of this planter.
This is the never ending supply of
spinach .
Potato and onion growing under tulle screen. It work really good to keep potato bug away.
Beet and garlic as companion plant. I read somewhere that garlic can improve the taste of beet.
Carrot scarlet nantes and white onion growing under tulle screen too.
Golden bantam corn and super sweet corn growing together on the long planter. The rule is to grow sweet corn should be spaced around 7 meters between varieties to ensure the good crop. But I didn't follow it. So we'll see.
Herb planter include echinacea and strawberry. The clump in the corner are lavender from seed last year and ready to blooming . It is better plant if I compare it to the one in the middle, that one was store bought last year, it doesn't looking good in the second year.
Peas , head lettuce , swiss chard. Bean and corn( not germinate yet ) was planted between peas, this is for experiment to compare corn between direct seed and transplanted .
Tomato plant from cutting . They are starting to flower and some of them has little tomato already, way earlier than tomato plant from seed.
There are so many thing to learn in the garden to get better crop. Learn from people who expert with this stuff also learn from our experience in the previous year.
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